
Why You Should Study in Canada?

August 30, 2023


  • Sinethemba Phongolo

Canada has become an increasingly popular destination for international students seeking a high-quality education and a rewarding experience. With its top-ranked institutions, renowned quality of life, and diverse, welcoming environment, Canada's studying experience offers plenty of reasons why should you study in Canada!

Are you not sure about studying in Canada? Here are the top 10 reasons Canada is the perfect study destination.

10 Reasons Why You Should Study in Canada

If you are wondering what Canada offers you as a student, here are the top 10 reasons why you should study in Canada.

Top-Ranked Tertiary Institutions

Canada's world-class education system is one of the primary reasons you should study in the North American nation. Canadian universities consistently rank among the top institutions globally, with four universities listed in the top 100 Times Higher Education rankings. They are:

University THE Ranking
McGill University 48
University of Toronto 18
University of British Columbia 40
McMaster University 85

Canada's top-ranked institutions offer various programs and degrees. Whether you are interested in engineering, business, or the arts, you can find a reputable institution in Canada that suits your academic needs.

Renowned Quality of Life

Canada is renowned for its exceptional quality of life. It consistently ranks highly in global surveys measuring safety, healthcare, and overall well-being. The World Population Review ranks Canada as sixth on the list of countries with the highest quality of life/standard of living.

As an international student, you can expect to benefit from Canada's social support systems, including their subsidized universal healthcare system and access to various support services on campus.

Diverse, Welcoming, and Inclusive Environment

Studying in Canada offers immersing yourself in a diverse and inclusive environment. With a population that includes individuals from over 200 ethnic origins, Canada embraces multiculturalism. It ensures that every student, no matter where they come from, can find a place where they belong on Canada's bustling campuses.

Universities with the highest numbers of international students in Canada are as follows

University Number of International Students
University of Toronto 27,536
University of British Columbia 19,909
McGill University 12,001
University of Ottawa 10,600

Varied but significant amount of students from other parts of the world complete the rich tapestry of diverse ethnic and national backgrounds in Canada's tertiary institutions.

Canada's cultural mosaic broadens your perspective and provides opportunities to form meaningful connections and friendships with people from all four corners of the world. Through student clubs and organizations, cultural events and festivals, you can engage with the vibrant and diverse communities within and outside the campus.

Lower Living Expenses

Compared to other popular study destinations, Canada offers relatively lower living expenses, making it an attractive choice for international students. This is possible through the country's subsidized education system and numerous grants and scholarships for international students. Scholarships for international students in Canada include:

  • Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED) - for students
  • Study in Canada Scholarships
  • Organization of American States Academic Scholarship Program
  • Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Scholarships for international students in Canada help offset living and tuition expenses, thereby alleviating some of their financial student anxiety. Many Canadian provinces offer international students healthcare coverage, reducing their financial burden. This combination of affordable living expenses and access to quality healthcare contributes to a more comfortable and stress-free student life.

Please Note:

Tuition fees in Canada's Tertiary institutions may vary depending on the institution and program, so be sure to factor in the institution and program that best suits your financial needs when applying to study in Canada.

Flexible and High-Quality Education Options

Canada is known for its flexible and high-quality education options. Whether you prefer a traditional classroom setting or a more hands-on approach, tertiary institutions in Canada offer a variety of learning environments that suit student's different learning styles.

Canadian universities and colleges emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, and practical skills development. Through lectures, group projects, and experiential learning opportunities, students have the necessary skills to thrive in their chosen fields.

Long-Term Educational Return on Your Investment

Investing in a Canadian education generally yields long-term benefits. Canada's education system is globally recognized, and a degree from a Canadian institution holds significant value in the international job market. Employers appreciate the skills and knowledge acquired through a Canadian education, giving graduates a competitive edge.

Canadian colleges also offer experiential learning opportunities, which allows them to gain practical experience in their chosen profession or trade. This makes it easier for them to obtain job opportunities after graduating.

Studying in Canada also opens doors to various immigration pathways, allowing international students to find work after graduation through the Post Graduate Work Permit and potentially settle in the country after graduation through immigration programs like the Canadian Experience Class (CEC).

Travel Across Canada's Beautiful Environment

Beyond the classroom, studying in Canada allows you to explore the country's breathtaking natural beauty. From the stunning Rocky Mountains in Alberta to the picturesque coastline of Nova Scotia, Canada offers a vast range of landscapes to explore.

Travelling across Canada and enjoy hiking, skiing, or taking in the beauty of Canada's diverse environment, which offers picturesque and spectacular imagery. Take the chance to explore the country's national parks, lakes, and vibrant cities during your study breaks and create unforgettable memories.

Find out more about natural beauty in Canada and Canadian National Parks.

Focus on Research and Development

Canada has a strong research and development focus, making it attractive for students interested in pushing the boundaries of knowledge in their chosen fields. Canadian institutions receive significant funding for research projects across various disciplines.

As an international student in Canada, you can work alongside world-renowned researchers and contribute to groundbreaking discoveries. Exposure to cutting-edge research enhances your academic experience and prepares you for a future career in innovation and development. Famous discoveries and breakthroughs facilitated by Canadian universities focus on research and development include the following:

Universities Field of Research
University of Toronto Insulin: life-saving medicine for diabetics
McGill University The Internet’s first search engine
Memorial University of Newfoundland Telemedicine to remote communities
University of Calgary Java programming language
University of Alberta World’s first hepatitis B antiviral

Capitalize on the Canadian Tech Wave

Canada is experiencing a tech boom, with major cities like Toronto, Ontario; Vancouver, British Columbia; and Montreal, Quebec emerging as key players in the global technology industry. Studying in Canada provides you with front-row access to Canada's wave of exciting technological advancements.

Canadian universities and colleges collaborate closely with industry partners, providing students with internships, cooperative programs, and networking opportunities. Integrating academia and industry allows students to gain practical skills and establish valuable networking connections in Canada's tech sector, increasing their chances of securing job opportunities upon graduation.

Learn more about some of the emerging tech cities in Canada.

Job Opportunities During and Post Studies

Studying in Canada offers excellent educational opportunities and avenues for part-time and post-graduation employment. As an international student, you can work part-time during your studies, allowing you to gain valuable work experience and supplement your finances.

The Canadian government offers programs such as the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), which enables students to gain valuable work experience after graduation and potentially transition to permanent residency in Canada.

Learn more about how to get a Post Graduate Work Permit in Canada.

How You Can Study in Canada

If you're convinced that studying in Canada is the right choice, here are some pathways you can explore to make your dream a reality.

Study Permits

To study in Canada as an international student, you will generally need a study permit. A study permit is an official document issued by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) that enables you to study at a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada.

Please Note:

Study permits are not visas, and therefore, you won't be able to travel to or enter Canada solely with a study permit. You must have a visitor visa or an electronic travel authorization (eTA) document and your study permit to enter Canada. Once you obtain a study permit, IRCC will issue you a visitor visa or eTA.

Student Direct Stream

The Student Direct Stream (SDS) is a streamlined study permit application process available to students from the following countries:

Countries Eligible for the SDS
China Antigua and Barbuda
India Brazil
Morocco Colombia
Pakistan Costa Rica
The Philippines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Senegal Peru
Vietnam Trinidad and Tobago

The SDS aims to expedite eligible students' study permit application process by ensuring faster processing times, which can be as fast as 20 calendar days.

IEC Working Holiday

The IEC Working Holiday Visa program offers young individuals aged 18 to 35 the opportunity to work and travel in Canada through the Working Holiday Visa program. This program allows you to gain international work experience while exploring the country's diverse culture and natural beauty. The program operates on a quota system, so it's important to apply early and familiarize yourself with the application process.

Find out how to apply for a Canada Working Holiday Visa.

How to Apply for a Study Permit

Applying for a study permit requires careful preparation and adherence to the Canadian government's guidelines. Learn more about how to apply for a Canada study permit here:


How do I Choose a Program to Study in Canada?

Choosing a program to study in Canada can be a challenging decision. One of the best ways to choose your program is through these five steps:

Step 1: Research Different Study Options

Research and explore different program options aligned with your interests and career goals.

Step 2: Rank Reputations of Each Canadian Tertiary Institution

Consider the reputation and ranking of the tertiary institution offering the program.

Step 3: Evaluate Curriculums and Course Structures of Canada's Universities

Evaluate the curriculum and course structure to ensure it aligns with your learning preferences.

Step 4: Explore Study-Work Program Offerings

Explore opportunities for internships, co-op programs, and industry partnerships.

Step 5: Consider Suitability of Location and Lifestyle Factors

Consider the location and lifestyle factors, such as cost of living, climate, and proximity to major cities.

Can I Work While I Study in Canada?

Yes, international students in Canada are generally allowed to work part-time during the semester. Depending on the work specifications outlined on your study permit, you can work up to 20 hours part-time per week during the academic semester and full-time during scheduled summer, winter, and spring holiday breaks.

Working part-time provides you with valuable work experience and enables you to finance your education and living expenses.