
How to Get a Post Graduate Work Permit in Canada

May 24, 2024


  • Shireen Fisher

Canadian education is a valuable investment, equipping you with knowledge and skills sought after by employers worldwide. But what if you could leverage that education and gain valuable experience in the very country that nurtured it? Enter the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) program, a fantastic opportunity for international graduates to bridge the gap between academics and professional aspirations in Canada.

We unpack everything you need to know about securing your PGWP, from eligibility requirements to application steps and the incredible benefits it unlocks. So, get ready to launch your Canadian career and turn your academic achievements into real-world experience.

What is a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)?

A PGWP is a work permit issued by the Canadian government that allows international graduates from Designated Learning Institutions (DLIs) to gain valuable work experience in Canada after completing their studies. It bridges the gap between your academic journey and professional aspirations, allowing you to contribute your skills to the Canadian workforce while potentially transitioning to permanent residency.

Who Qualifies For a Post Graduate Work Permit

To be eligible for a PGWP, you must meet the following criteria.

  • Graduate from a DLI: DLIs are educational institutions approved by the Canadian government to host international students in Canada. You can verify an institution's DLI status using the official list provided by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
  • Complete a Program of at Least Eight Months: Your study program must have lasted for a minimum of eight months (or 900 hours for programs in Quebec) to be eligible.
  • Valid Canadian Study Permit: You must have held a valid Canadian study permit at some point during your studies.
  • Apply Within 180 Days of Graduation: IRCC generally requires you to submit your PGWP application within 180 days of receiving your final grades or the completion date of your program. There are some exceptions.

Specific Requirements for the Study Program You Are Enrolled in

Beyond the general eligibility requirements, your study program's specific length and outcome play a crucial role in determining your PGWP eligibility. The table below details the program requirements based on the type of designated learning institution you attended in Canada.

Institution Required Length of Program Program Outcome
Public post-secondary DLI, such as a college, trade/technical institution, or university 8 months or longer As an international student in Canada, your program must result in one of the following: a degree (associate, bachelor's, master's, or doctorate), a diploma, or a certificate.
Quebec public secondary DLI offering vocational training programs 900 hours or longer Your program must result in one of the following: a diploma of vocational studies (DVS) or an attestation of vocational specialization (AVS).
Quebec collège d'enseignement général et professionnel (CEGEP) 900 hours or longer Your program must result in one of the following: an attestation of college studies (ACS) or a diploma of college studies (DCS).
Quebec provincially subsidized private post-secondary DLI or Quebec provincially subsidized private secondary DLI offering provincially subsidized vocational education programs 900 hours or longer Your program must result in one of the following: an attestation of college studies (ACS) or a diploma of college studies (DCS). You must be enrolled in a provincially subsidized study program, which may not include all programs offered at the DLI.
Canadian private DLI authorized by the province to confer degrees n/a The province must authorize your DLI to confer degrees, including an associate degree, a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, or a doctorate. You must be enrolled in a program leading to a degree authorized by the province, which may not include all programs offered by the private DLI.

Exclusions to PGWP Eligibility: Know Before You Apply

While a PGWP opens doors for many, it is essential to understand the exceptions to eligibility. Here is a breakdown of situations that might disqualify you.

  • Incomplete Study Permit Applications: If your study permit application received only initial approval and awaits a final decision, you are not eligible for a PGWP at this stage. A Port of Entry Letter of Introduction confirming your approved study permit is mandatory.
  • Previous PGWP Holders: Individuals who already hold a PGWP cannot apply for another one.
  • Language Training Programs: Studying English or French as a second language or enrolling in general interest or self-improvement courses does not qualify you for a PGWP.
  • Specific Funding Programs: Participation in programs funded by the Government of Canada Awards Program (GAC), with the exception of the Study in Canada Scholarship, disqualifies you from a PGWP. Similarly, scholarships like the Equal Opportunity Scholarship (Canada-Chile), the Canada-China Scholars' Exchange Program, and the Organization of American States Fellowships Program are not compatible with PGWP eligibility.
  • Predominantly Online Studies: Completing the majority of your study program through distance learning methods like online courses, e-learning, or correspondence generally disqualifies you. However, there is an exception for individuals who were forced to study online due to COVID-19 restrictions outside Canada.
  • Non-Canadian Institutions: Studying at a non-Canadian institution operating within Canada's borders also renders you ineligible.
  • Non-PGWP Designated Programs: Enrolling in a course or program offered by a DLI that is not designated for PGWP purposes disqualifies you. This includes programs delivered through curriculum licensing agreements on behalf of a PGWP-eligible DLI (public-private partnerships or P3s), with a few exceptions as outlined below.

How to Get a Post Graduate Work Permit in Canada

The Canadian government facilitates a streamlined online application process for PGWPs. Here is a breakdown of the key steps to ensure a smooth application journey.

Step 1: Gather Digital Documentation

Before initiating your online application, ensure you have scanned copies (or high-quality photos) of all required documents. This typically includes supporting documents like your passport, proof of graduation, and a valid Canadian study permit (or proof of application for status restoration, if applicable).

Step 2: Review Application Instructions

Although applying online offers convenience, it is crucial to review the official application guide provided by IRCC thoroughly. This guide offers detailed explanations for completing each section of the online form.

Step 3: Prepare Online Application Answers

The online application system will require you to answer a series of questions before allowing you to upload your documents. These questions help generate a personalized checklist specific to your situation, ensuring you submit all necessary documentation.

Step 4: Understanding Application Fees

Be prepared to cover the processing fees associated with your application. These fees typically encompass processing for both yourself and any dependents included on your application, as well as any biometric data collection costs. The online system will prompt you to settle these fees at the application's conclusion. It is important to pay both the open work permit holder fee and the work permit fee to avoid delays.

Step 5: Additional Costs to Consider

In certain situations, you might incur additional costs from third-party service providers. These may include medical examinations, police certificates, or services offered by a Visa Application Centre (VAC) if you choose to utilize one. These fees are separate from the application fees and need to be paid directly to the respective third party.

Step 6: Biometrics Fee and Submission

Most applicants will be required to pay a biometrics fee during application submission. Timely payment helps prevent processing delays. This fee covers the costs of collecting your fingerprints and a digital photograph. Check IRCC's website to confirm if you need to provide biometric data.

Step 7: Create or Access Your Online Account

To submit your PGWP application online, you will need an IRCC account. This account allows you to manage various aspects of your application, including fee payment, application submission, and status checks. If you have already, create an account before proceeding.

The Powerful Advantages of a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)

A PGWP is not just a piece of paper; it is a key that unlocks a treasure chest of opportunities for international graduates in Canada. Below are just some of the significant benefits a PGWP offers.

Supercharge Your Resume with Practical Experience

Transitioning from textbooks to real-world scenarios can be daunting, but a PGWP bridges that gap. You will gain invaluable work experience by applying your academic knowledge professionally. This strengthens your resume and allows you to develop essential job-specific skills that employers actively seek. Imagine showcasing Canadian work experience on your resume, instantly making you a more competitive candidate in the global job market.

Canadian Experience: A Global Advantage

Having "Canadian work experience" stamped on your resume is a mark of distinction recognized by employers worldwide. Canada boasts a reputation for high-quality education and a skilled workforce. Gaining experience in this environment will demonstrate your adaptability, proficiency, and ability to thrive in a competitive professional landscape. This Canadian experience sets you apart from other applicants and gives you a significant edge in the job market, both domestically and internationally.

A Stepping Stone to Canadian Permanent Residency

A PGWP is not just about work; it is a potential stepping stone towards building a permanent future in Canada. Working under a PGWP allows you to accumulate valuable points under programs like the Express Entry's Canadian Experience Class (CEC), a pathway to Canadian permanent residency. This opens doors for you to establish yourself in Canada, contribute to the economy, and potentially build a life here on a long-term basis.

Explore and Refine Your Career Path

The beauty of a PGWP lies in its flexibility. It allows you to explore diverse career options within Canada. You can leverage your studies to find work in a related field or even venture into a new and exciting area. This hands-on experience can help you refine your career path, identify your strengths and preferences, and ultimately chart a fulfilling professional course. Learn more about the top in-demand jobs in Canada.

Live and Work in a World-Class Country

Canada is consistently ranked high in terms of quality of life. Canada offers an exceptional place to live, work, and grow from breathtaking landscapes and vibrant cities to a multicultural society and robust healthcare system. With a PGWP, you'll have the opportunity to experience all that Canada has to offer while simultaneously launching your professional journey in a supportive and welcoming environment.


Do I have to Apply For a PGWP Online?

You can apply online or submit a paper application. You will find the paper application package on the IRCC website.

What Happens if My Passport Expires Before My PGWP?

While applying for your PGWP, ensure your passport remains valid for the entire expected PGWP duration. If your passport's expiry precedes your desired PGWP validity, you might receive a PGWP matching your passport's expiry. In some cases, you may be eligible to extend your PGWP to its full validity. Still, this extension requires a separate paper application and is entirely at the discretion of the issuing authority.