
Steps to Finding a Job in Canada

December 1, 2023


  • Sinethemba Phongolo

Are you looking to find a job in Canada? With its strong economy and diverse job market, Canada is an attractive destination for many job seekers worldwide. Whether you are a skilled professional or a recent graduate, there are several steps you can take to increase your chances of finding employment in Canada.

On the hunt for a job in Canada? Here are some useful steps to finding a job in Canada that you can use to secure a place in Canada’s labor market!

4 Step Process to Finding a Job in Canada

Step 1: Check Your Eligibility to Work in Canada

Before you begin your job search in Canada, it is crucial to determine if you are eligible to work in the country. Canada has specific requirements for foreign workers, and it is essential to understand the different categories and programs available. One common way to work in Canada is through a work permit.

A work permit allows you to work temporarily in Canada and may require a job offer from a Canadian employer. The eligibility requirements for a Canada work permit generally include:

  • Show your ability to leave Canada when your work permit expires,
  • Being Financial Self-sufficient while in Canada,
  • No criminal record,
  • Will not threaten Canada’s social and political security,
  • Are in good health,
  • Are not going to work for an employer on Canada’s ineligible businesses list, and
  • Have the relevant travel documents for entry into Canada.

By assessing your eligibility and understanding the different programs, you can identify the best pathway to work in Canada.

Find out more about the eligibility requirements for a Canadian work permit.

Step 2: Research Jobs in Canada

Once you have determined your eligibility to work in Canada, the next step is to research the job market and identify potential opportunities. Canada boasts a diverse range of industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, engineering, and more.

Start by researching the industries that align with your skills, qualifications, and interests. Look for job boards, professional networking platforms, and industry-specific websites that advertise job vacancies in Canada. Prominent Canadian online job boards you can use to search for jobs in Canada include:

Additionally, it can be helpful to connect with other professionals and job seekers in Canada via online communities, forums, and social media groups that cater to the Canadian job market. Networking is an essential aspect of finding a job in Canada, as many job opportunities are filled through referrals and word-of-mouth recommendations.

Step 3: Write a Canadian Style Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Once you have identified potential job opportunities, it is crucial to tailor your resume or curriculum vitae (CV) to the Canadian job market. Canadian employers have specific expectations regarding resumes, and it is essential to understand the Canadian style and format. Unlike some countries, Canadian resumes are typically concise, focusing on relevant skills, achievements, and experiences.

When writing your resume, highlight your most relevant qualifications and accomplishments. Use bullet points to make it easy for employers to skim through your resume and quickly identify your strengths.

Furthermore, include any Canadian work experience, internships, or volunteer positions you may have had. If you have not worked in Canada, emphasize transferable skills and experiences applicable to the Canadian job market.

Find out more about how to get work in Canada faster with the perfect resume.

Step 4: Apply for Jobs as Per Canadian Employers Instructions

After customizing your resume for the Canadian job market, it is time to start applying for jobs. Each job posting may have specific instructions for application submission, and it is essential to follow them carefully.

Some employers may ask for a cover letter, while others may require you to complete an online application form. Pay attention to deadlines and submission requirements to ensure your application is considered.

Following up demonstrates your enthusiasm and dedication to the job search process. Be wary of any job application processes with fee requirements.

How Can I Work in Canada

If you are wondering how you can work in Canada, pathways are available depending on your qualifications and job requirements. To work in Canada, you must obtain a work permit. A work permit allows you to work in Canada temporarily and can be obtained through various programs such as the:

Find out more about how you can work in Canada.

Canada Work Permit

To obtain a work permit in Canada, you may require a job offer from a Canadian employer. Canadian employers play a crucial role in the work permit application process and may need to obtain a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) before hiring you as a temporary foreign worker in Canada.

An LMIA assesses the impact of hiring a foreign worker on the Canadian job market and ensures that no qualified Canadian citizens or permanent residents are available to fill the position.

However, there are certain exemptions to the LMIA requirement, such as the International Mobility Program (IMP), which includes the:

These exemptions aim to facilitate the hiring of foreign workers in specific occupations or circumstances, making it easier for you to be hired by Canadian employers internationally.

Learn more about jobs in Canada that don’t need a Canadian LMIA.

What Are the Benefits of Being a Canadian Worker?

Canada offers many benefits to its workers, among which some of the most prominent include but are not limited to:

Canada Worker Benefits

The Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) is a refundable tax credit designed to help individuals and families who are working and earning a low income. The CWB has two parts: a basic amount and a disability supplement.

Advanced Canada Workers Benefits

The Advanced Canada Workers Benefit (ACWB), which came into law in July 2023, provides workers in Canada with advance payments equal to 50% of the CWB across 3 payments. This initiative aims to put more money in workers' pockets to help cope with the rising cost of living.

Canada’s Social Programs for Workers

Canada offers a range of social programs to help Canadians with their financial, personal, social, and emotional well-being. These programs are funded by the federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal levels of government under the administrative umbrella of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).

Canada’s Worker’s Compensation

In Canada, the provinces and territories regulate Workers' Compensation Boards (WCB). These agencies provide insurance coverage to workers who suffer from work-related injury or illness. They are funded entirely by employers.

Now that you have a better understanding of the steps to take to find a job in Canada, you can begin applying with the help of a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC).


What Are Some Resources For Immigrant Job Seekers in Canada?

For immigrant job seekers in Canada, several resources are available to assist in the job search process. The Government of Canada provides resources and information on its official website, including job boards, settlement services, and programs specifically designed for newcomers.

Can You Work in Canada Without a Canada Work Permit?

In most cases, you cannot work in Canada without a valid work permit. However, there are exemptions allowing individuals to work without a work permit.

These exemptions include international students who are eligible to work on-campus or through the Off-Campus Work Permit Program, as well as individuals who are eligible for the Working Holiday Visa program under the IEC. It is crucial to research and understand the specific requirements and conditions for working in Canada without a work permit.

Find out more about how you can work in Canada without a work permit.