Immigrate to Canada as a Welder
April 1, 2021
As one of the most versatile professions in the world, qualified welders are in high demand all across Canada. The country is a welders haven, practically every industry welders work in, is either established or up and coming in Canada. Positions in construction, fabrication, ship building, industrial maintenance and repair, railroad, aerospace, power generation and more are listed on job platforms that cater exclusively to our country. It will come as no surprise that average salaries are quite good too, depending on which part of the country you are working in. As with all heavy duty work, the tougher the conditions, the better the pay. In Canada you can move along that spectrum and find the spot that suits you best, where you are both comfortable and earning a great salary. Some of the salaries by province are:
- Vancouver, British Columbia - $50,000 a year in the areas surrounding the city, go north where it’s more beautiful and peaceful and earn around $55,000 a year
- Toronto, Ontario - as the province that employs the most welders, they also set the national average for the most part, $46,000 a year. The benefits of living in Ontario are endless, beautiful clean towns and cities, lakes and the Canadian rocky mountains; a higher quality of life all around
- Yellowknife, Northwest Territories - head up north where the winters are a little colder, but the days are longer and the solace is unrivaled. Welders make up to $80,000 a year in the NWT
- Atlantic Canada - the four provinces that make up the most beautiful region of Canada, the Atlantic coast, offer competitive salaries that make living amongst evergreen forests in a beautiful home a dream come true. The average salary for welders through this region is in line with the national average of $46,000 a year, but ship builders earn significantly more.
Immigration Programs

Express Entry
The most popular immigration program, the Express Entry system has the potential to offer applicants permanent residency in as little as six months. This immigration stream is dedicated to qualified individuals who work in managerial roles, professionals and skilled trades workers. The requirements to be eligible for the Federal Skilled Trades Program are as follows:- Skilled work experience - at least two years work experience within the last five years in a skilled trade before you apply
- A valid full time job offer (minimum contract of one year) or a certificate of qualification as a welder from a Canadian provincial, territorial or federal authority.
- Language ability - the day to day of your job may require that you are able to communicate effectively with clients, for this reason you will need to pass a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) test and earn a minimum CLB score of 4 in all four sections; reading, writing, listening and speaking. A high level of proficiency is not required to score 4, just a basic command of English or French.
- Qualifications - there is no educational requirement, however it will boost your score if you have your qualification/certification credentials evaluated.
- Eligible - you must be eligible to immigrate to Canada, this means you cannot have a criminal record, you must be in good health and you must have legal status in the country you are living in now.
Provincial Nomination Program
You can apply for a provincial nomination in one of two ways. The first is to create an expression of interest in a particular province that you wish to live and work in on your Express Entry profile. This is a particularly effective method of securing an ITA as applicants who receive provincial nominations are awarded 600 points of the total 1,200 points available. The second would be to create a profile on the province you wish to live and work in on the government website and submit an expression of interest directly to them. If they are in need of your skills, they will invite you to apply directly to the province and will motivate your application of permanent residency to the Canadian government. When the Express Entry pool is filled with high quality applicants, it could take a while to receive an ITA. This is an effective way to circumnavigate this issue. The requirements of the Provincial Nomination Programs are very similar to the Express Entry eligibility requirements, although sometimes not as stringent. There are provinces with immigration streams under their PNP’s that make provision for welders who wish to live and work in the province, such as:- Ontario - Regional Immigration Pilot,
- British Columbia - Skills Immigration Pathway,
- Nova Scotia - Occupations in Demand Stream,
- New Brunswick - Skilled Worker Stream; and
- Yukon - Critical Impact Worker Category.
Atlantic Immigration Pilot
As we mentioned above, there are few places in the world more beautiful than Atlantic Canada. The four provinces of Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick all have coastlines on the Atlantic Ocean. Tall evergreen forests spotted with crystal clear lakes, mountain ridges and friendly small towns make up the majority of these smaller provinces. They are out of the way, quiet and peaceful and thus don’t attract a lot of attention from new immigrants. This is why these provinces formed the Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP), designed to attract foreign immigrants with the skills to fill the gaps in their labour markets and help boost their local economies. Within the Express Entry system you may find yourself a small fish in a big pond, in Atlantic Canada you will be a big fish in a smaller pond. If you are interested in settling and living in Atlantic Canada and want to secure permanent residency through the AIP, begin by securing a job offer in one of the participating provinces mentioned above. You can then apply for a Canadian work permit and, at the same time, can apply to the Atlantic High Skilled Program for permanent residency.Become a Welder in Canada

How We Can Help You Immigrate to Canada