Top 6 Biggest Benefits of Living in Canada
May 25, 2023
There are numerous reasons why people choose to relocate abroad. Their goal is often to improve their and their family's lives. Because it provides excellent prospects for work and personal development, Canada is regarded as one of the greatest countries in the world for immigration.
Canada is well known for its high standard of living and amazing quality of life. Not only does it have the right balance between work and play, but also the perfect environment to enjoy both.
If you are interested in moving to Canada, the following top 6 biggest benefits of living provide more reasons why that decision would benefit you and your family.
Living in Canada: The Top 6 Benefits
Canada is known for its excellent healthcare system, education, and safety. According to the Better Life Index, Canada ranks high in social connections, work-life balance, and environmental quality categories.
Ample Employment Opportunities
There are plenty of job opportunities in Canada. According to Trading Economics, Canada has around 855,890 job vacancies.
Salaries in certain job markets have increased exponentially because of the number of retiring professionals.
Your plans to live and work in Canada will go much smoother with a job, but Canada offers the chance to immigrate to the country even without a job offer, unlike many countries requiring one before applying for a visa.
Find out how to move to Canada without a job offer here.
Canada’s labor demand is so high, they even have specific immigration programs for certain occupations. Some of these include:
- Childcare Provider and Home Support Worker Pilot
- Agri-Food Pilot
- Start-up Visa Program
- Live-in Caregiver Program
World-class Education
Canada’s education system is world-renowned since the government spends more on education per capita than any other industrial nation in the world, according to the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). According to, Canada tops the list as the most educated country in the world.
Universities like Mcgill University, the University of Toronto, McMaster University, and the University of British Columbia, are some of the world's best post-secondary institutions and rank among the top 100 according to Times Higher Education (THE) rankings.
One of the biggest benefits of living in Canada is the exceptional standard of healthcare you’ll experience. With Canadian permanent residency, you can apply for public health insurance. You won't have to pay for most health services because taxes pay for Canada’s healthcare system.
You must present your miniature ID-like health card when using public healthcare services. All territories and provinces will offer free emergency medical treatment even if you don't have a government healthcare card.
Depending on your immigration status, certain limitations can exist. If you have a medical emergency, you can go to the closest hospital, albeit if you don't reside in that province or area, they might charge you. If you live and work in Canada, your job may offer you health benefits.
Many nations have instituted a subsidized healthcare system but rarely is the provision of healthcare services from those systems efficient. The United Kingdom NHS is providing a prime of systemic healthcare provision overreach in which access to efficient healthcare is localized in urban and upper-class regions. At the same time, the working class is burdened with understaffed clinics and hospitals which lack critical equipment (like beds) for medical care and services.
In contrast, Canada’s subsidized Healthcare system provides universal primary basic services such as:
- First-contact healthcare services: CAT and MRI scans, free hospital visits for medical check-ups, etc.
- Coordinating patients' healthcare services
- Provsion of continuity of care that includes receiving high-quality care from diagnosis to recovery
Every Canadian citizen or resident is entitled to these services free of charge when they walk into a Canadian clinic or hospital, granting Canada an efficient healthcare service provider that is comparatively high among the cohort of nations with similar healthcare systems.
Canada’s Medicare system offers free basic health care to everyone. This system is based on need rather than the ability to pay.
If you plan to live and work in Canada, you will be happy to know that this makes it accessible to all permanent residents and citizens, and it’s a big weight off the shoulders of most ordinary working-class people.
You are encouraged to maintain your customs, religion, language, and culture when you immigrate to Canada. More than 140 languages are spoken in Toronto alone, and more than 20% of Canadians were born outside the country.
Major cities are home to districts like Chinatown, Little Italy, or even a Korean town, providing visitors and locals with a full cultural experience. It is simple for an expatriate to settle in Canada because acceptance and respect are deeply ingrained in the culture.
There are many immigrants and Canadians who are welcoming no matter what your race, gender, or culture.
Canada is a progressive, multicultural bunch; you’ll see this once you settle in Canada.
Social Security/Safety Net
Canada’s Social Security Administration (SSA) is the government institution responsible for providing the non-contributive assistance needed to support the most vulnerable demographics in the country: the elderly, the poverty-stricken, under/unemployed individuals, and vulnerable women and children.
While other countries have social security/safety nets, like the United States' food stamp program for the impoverished, Canada usually succeeds where those countries fail.
For example, the US food stamp program (officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) only covers certain staple food that doesn’t fully satisfy the nutritional needs of the impoverished and malnourished.
In contrast, Canada’s social welfare programs are supplemented by Employment and Social Development Canada’s (ESDC) Employment Insurance (EI), Family Benefits, and Old Age Security programs that improve vulnerable Canadians spending power and expand their access to important nutritional food.
In recent years, Canada has upheld justice, the rule of law, and human rights and was one of the first signatories in 1948 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Socio-Economic and Political Stability
Canada’s socioeconomic and political stability has remained among the world's best, as per data from
It remains relatively free of acts of international terror, regularly conducts free and fair elections, and apart from global shocks such as the 2008 Economic recession, its financial system has remained steady, helping the nation steer clear of major socio-economic issues.
This is mostly due to Canada’s world-leading standards of good governance. According to Statistics Canada, Canada is one of the world-leading nations with regard to the provision of good governance. This assertion was based on three significant assessment indicators that include:
- Safety and security
- Democracy and institutions
- Justice and human rights
Canada generally has low to negligible crime rates, and as per the most recent data obtained from Statcan. Most crimes are committed in rural areas, where access to institutional policing is at its lowest.
Since the creation of its democratic institutions after the 1867 Canadian Confederation, Canada has conducted free and fair elections that are boosted by the relatively high voter turnout and faith in Canadian institutions.
Many immigrants that decide to immigrate to Canada value its socioeconomic and political stability and see it as a foundation for the better lives they want to build for themselves and their families in their new homes.
Canada is world-renowned for having a fairly high quality of life. Its inclusion in multi-lateral sovereign organizations which require member nations to have world-leading socio-economic credentials, such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Group of Seven (G7), serves as proof of the high living standards that it maintains.
In particular, the three measurable indices by which overall quality of life is judged and Canada distinguishes itself are the provision of social security/safety net, good governance, and the efficient healthcare system.
How Can I Move to Canada?
Immigrants can choose to move to Canada either as a temporary resident (TR) or permanent resident (PR).
Permanent Resident
There are over 80 immigration programs that you can use to apply to immigrate to Canada. The most prominently used immigration programs that offer a path to permanent residency status include:
If you want to use any of the above mention immigration programs to apply for permanent residency status in Canada, you can follow the steps outlined in the video below:
Temporary Resident
If your permanent residency application is unsuccessful or you want to move to Canada only for a temporary period to work, study or visit, then you can apply for a Temporary Resident Visa program.
To Visit
You can use the Canada Visitor Visa to move to Canada and visit the many fascinating places the country offers. You can learn more about whether you’re eligible to apply and how to apply here.
To Work
If you want to gain Canadian work experience but only temporarily, you can use the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), which grants a work permit to successful applicants that authorizes them to work in Canada for a specific period. Learn more about how to qualify and apply for a Canadian work permit.
You can work and travel in Canada using International Experience Canada’s (IEC) Working Holiday Visa program.
To Study
Studying in Canada provides an accessible pathway toward gaining permanent residency. To do so, you need a Canadian study permit. You can learn more about the application process and eligibility requirements required to gain a study permit here.

Is Canada a Good Country to Live in?
Yes. Canada is a great country to live in. This is largely attributable to Canada's universal health care system, long life expectancy, and low rates of crime and violence. Canada ranks in the top 15 of the happiest countries in the world according to the 2023 World Happiness Report.
Why Should I Get a Canadian Permanent Residency?
Canadian PR affords you many opportunities that would otherwise not be available if you simply live in the country on a temporary permit. For example, with a PR card, you can enter and exit Canada whenever you want to without applying for a visitor's permit.
Additionally, Canada offers benefits such as free education until secondary school for permanent residents and free medical assistance. You cannot claim these benefits unless you are a permanent resident.
Does it Matter Where I Settle in Canada?
Where you settle in Canada depends on several factors: your job, your children's education, the community, and the particulars of your current visa, as well as any requirements of your permanent residency application.
Learn more about Canadian provinces and territories here if you want to gain all the information you need to make an informed decision about where to settle in Canada.